Historical fields that have to deal with a constantly updated technology and with constantly innovative systems.
Following, we have to manage to the international organization requirements, political, social and local organizations that determine a high level of commitment and an increasing focus on environmental protection and safety aspects.

Sector in constant growth in parallel with the growing demand for energy from all nations.The constant demand for new and more effective energy sources means that even in this sector the attention to all innovations is important.

It is a fantastic network that now connects all the countries.Even more an Oil & Gas means of transport extremely strong that nobody can or does not want to give up.Even in this case, never distract attention from those innovations that can improve the time of realization, operation and maintenance.
● Up-streamand downstream installations
● Coastaland marine installations
● Offshore platforminstallations
● On-off shoreinstallations
● Petrochemicaland chemicalplants
● Storage tanks
● Manufactureand installationof pipes
● Water Injection
● Materialsand weldingtechnologies
● Nuclearfacilities
● Powergenerators
● Electricalsystems
● Telecommunication systems